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Caulking & Building Envelope Sealants

Caulking and Building Envelope Sealants

ECC's Systems and Solutions

Caulking and sealant products are designed to complement other waterproofing systems to help protect the building’s envelope. Expansion and control joints are incorporated into a structure to accommodate expansion and contraction forces. Because expansion joints are essential to a structure, restoring damaged or deteriorated sealed joints are necessary to prevent the intrusion of unwanted elements into your building envelope. 

Caulking and sealants are available as: 

  • Liquids applied
  • Pre-formed systems

The building envelope separates the interior of the building from the external environment and includes the roof, walls, windows, glazing, floors and all the joints in between. In addition, the building envelope presents great opportunities to enhance sustainability of buildings throughout their life.  

Using the right combination of products, East Coast Coatings, can remove, prepare, and apply sealants in any type of building opening to ensure your buildings’ protection from any type of air or water intrusion.

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Call us and one of our experts will reach out with more information about our services.