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Elevator Pit Waterproofing

Elevator Pit Waterproofing

ECC's Systems and Solutions

Elevator pits are structural systems that are highly susceptible to water intrusion, which result in structural or mechanical issues. Typically, elevator pit  water intrusion issues are repaired by applying a membrane, coating or bentonite based blankets under the slab and on the exterior of the pit walls. These act as barriers on the surface of the concrete to prevent the penetration of water.

  • Positive-side waterproofing -  is the best method for protecting the concrete, the steel, and also the interior space. By waterproofing your elevator pits during pre-construction, you get the maximum performance out of your waterproofing system when you use the proper application procedures.
  • Negative-side waterproofing - refers to waterproofing your elevator pits from the inside. 

Our team will identify all of the areas of water intrusion, evaluate the structure and tailor the best application process to address each concern.All of our elevator pit waterproofing methods are based on their reliability, accessibility and long-term durability. 

Not sure what you need?

Call us for more information on our Elevator Pit Waterproofing services!